Monday, May 18, 2009

Joie de Vivre

Welcome to YogaKnits! If there are two things that I credit with giving me joy and fulfillment in life, it is these two practices. I started practicing yoga nearly 11 years ago and have been knitting for 8. While I may take breaks from the mat or the needles, I will always consider myself a yogi and a knitter. They are integral to my identity and have helped me grow and stretch myself beyond what I ever thought possible.

Today I was invited to act as a yoga teacher by happenstance - I had an unexpected free day, went to yoga, and no instructor arrived! I'm sure I wasn't spectacular, but all the words of my own mentors began flowing into my consciousness and I shared my practice with the nine other bodies in the room. I felt wonderful while I gave a voice to my movements in a way that empowered others to have their own yogic experience. In our Savasana I was beaming from ear to ear and felt a glow of selflessness that is unmatched by anything from my past. I understood how giving my support and energy to other people is the source of the richest rewards. So I ended our practice with the intention of expressing my sincere and utmost gratitude to these people for allowing me to teach and allowing me to participate in this part of their lives.

I'm spurred to action! My intention is to continue to explore my life as a yogi and knitter. As I sign off here today I'll be researching ways to get my yoga teachers certification with the intention of being a contribution to the physical and spiritual health of all other sentient beings. And I invite you to be part of the journey, part of the conversation, and part of the work to make our world a healthy place for everyone to enjoy.


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